A Line- Ancestral Home of Thomas Abbott Peyton, b. 1616, son of Sir Edward Peyton, KT, and Bart (1578-1656)
The site of the main house was to the right (to the left of this rear view) of the dependency (servant) wing. A detailed description is in this website's Genealogy section.
The site of the main house was to the right (to the left of this rear view) of the dependency (servant) wing. A detailed description is in this website's Genealogy section.
Thomas Peyton was born at Dry Drayton, Cambridgeshire, c. 1416. Upon the death of his oldest brother, John, he became the heir of John de Peyton XVII. His first wife was Margaret Bernard, daughter and heiress of Sir John Bernard, KT., of Isleham, Cambridgeshire, who brought Isleham into the Peyton A Line properties. (The Peytons of Virginia II, vol. I, 2004, pg. 68).