We invite you to become a member of The Peyton Society of Virginia, Inc (PSV). The requirements and process is explained here.
To become a member, you must be a direct-line descendant of a Peyton/Payton who lived in Virginia before 1800. In addition, you will need to document the relationship between each generation connecting you and your pre-1800 relative. However, if one of your direct-line relatives has already been proven, and is published in our book, The Peytons of Virginia II, you only need to furnish documentation to prove your direct-line kinship to that person. If you do not have access to our book, you may purchase a CD copy, or you may submit an outline of your generations to our Membership Secretary (see contact information below) who will search our database to see if one of your direct-line ancestors can be found.
Legal documents are required to prove all family connections. That is, any document that would be accepted as proof of a fact in a court of law will be accepted by us. Those documents include birth, marriage, and death records. Photographic copies of Bible records are legal proof as are copies of official census records. Photographs of tombstones are acceptable proof of birth and death dates. Copies of court decrees are also acceptable, as are copies of obituaries if the date and publication are shown. Personal testimony may be accepted if the statement is made by an eyewitness and is notarized. Other forms of proof not stated here may be accepted if it seems reasonable, but our genealogist will make the final decision.
Privileges of Membership
All Voting Members [Members, Associates, and Friends] shall be responsible for maintaining a current status with regard to payment of dues and fees as determined by the Society. Privileges where payment of fees and dues are current include Invitations to Society membership meetings, Speaking and Voting on all matters presented to the membership at Society meetings, Being nominated for and elected to office within the Society or to membership on the Society's Executive Committee, Having access to Members Only Sections of the web site, and Receiving Society Newsletters. Newsletters are sent by email to save on mailing costs, unless the member does not use the internet. The password to the Members Only Sections of the web site is changed annually and is included in the PSV Spring Newsletter.
Application Form
Our application form changes from time to time, so always download the latest version:
If you downloaded a form some time ago and used it as a guide while you collected your research or documentation, check back here to see if any changes have occurred. We have worked with some very old application forms, but the latest version is much easier and eliminates surprises. It also contains the governing dues and fees structure.
We use standard genealogical practices when entering data. For dates, we list day, month, and year as 01 MAY 2016. We always use the 3-letter abbreviation in all-capital letters for the month. Common abbreviations such as circa (about) = ca.; before = bef.; after = aft. are encouraged. Locations should be expressed as City, County, State using standard 2-letter, all-capital, postal abbreviations for states. If the city is known to be within a certain county, but the county is not stated in the documentation, place the county within parentheses. For example, if Chicago, IL is shown in the documentation, you may state it as: Chicago, (Cook Co.), IL. If only the county is known, express it as Cook Co., IL
Please follow each stated fact with a bracketed number which refers to the document where that fact may be found. An example for two generations is shown below.
The former Society membership designations were no longer applicable for membership effective on or after January 1, 2021.
On January 1, 2021, existing Society memberships transferred to the membership designations under the Membership Definitions below. Recurring annual dues are not applicable for approved memberships where dues and fees were submitted prior to January 1, 2021. Those members do not need to take any action.
Membership Definitions:
Member: must establish to the satisfaction of the Society that they are of lineal descent from an Eighteenth or earlier Century Virginia Peyton.
Associate: must establish to the satisfaction of the Society that they are an adopted child or step-child or foster child of a Member or that he or she is of lineal descent from Virginia Peytons but has not established a Seventeenth or Eighteenth Century Virginia Peyton ancestor.
Friend: must establish to the satisfaction of the Society that he or she supports the purposes of the Society. A Society friend need not prove lineal descent within the Peyton Family.
Honorary: those who have supported to an exceptional degree the purposes of the Society and who are elected to honorary membership by a two-thirds vote of those members of the Society attending a regular meeting of the membership. Honorary membership has non-voting status.
All Membership Application fees and Membership dues received on or after January 1, 2021 have two options for payment (dues are not pro-rated and are due in full each year/portion of a year):
1). One-time Membership Paid-Up-For-Life dues of $300 and a Membership Application fee of $30; totaling $330 paid at the time of Membership Application. Recurring annual dues are not applicable under this option.
2). Annual Membership dues of $30, and a Membership Application fee of $30; totaling $60 paid at the time of Membership Application. Under this option, $30 annual recurring Membership dues are also due and payable January 1 of each succeeding year after the year that membership in the Society is approved. It is the responsibility of those holding approved memberships under Option 2 to pay annual recurring Membership dues on each January 1. No invoices will be sent. The 30 day-grace period for payment of annual recurring Membership dues ends January 31st of each year.
Voting Members may forego the payment of annual dues with the one-time payment of Paid-Up-For-Life dues of $300 with the initial $30 Membership Application fee, or at any time thereafter.
Membership dues are refundable if the application is denied.
The Preferred Application Procedure is to go to the Store section of this web site, select the desired Membership Application Fee and Membership Dues Option, and make payment via PayPal. Please indicate the name of the applicant and the Membership Definition designation desired in the Notes to Seller section. We recommend that you set up a PayPal account. The annual recurring Membership dues under Option 2. can be paid in the Store section, as well.
Alternately, a check for:
Option 1: the Membership Application fee ($30) and Membership Paid Up-For-Life dues ($300) totaling $330
Option 2: the Membership Application fee ($30) and annual Membership dues ($30) totaling $60
may be made out to the Peyton Society of Virginia and should be sent to Annette Race, 3520 Kilgallen Court, Ormond Beach, FL 32174.
Please indicate the name of the applicant, Membership Definition designation desired, and Option # chosen in the Description line on the check. Please do not send the Membership Application with your check! Please enter the Check #, or indicate "PayPal", on page 1 of the Membership Application.
The signed Membership Application Form and supporting documentation (but not payment for Membership Application fees and Membership dues) should be sent AT THE SAME TIME AS PAYMENT by US mail, or scanned and sent as attachments to email to:
Kate Peyton-Tsingelis
5803 North Carnation Drive
Beverly Hills, FL 34465
Documented Facts for Name of Applicant
Generation 1
Applicant's Name: Name of Applicant [1]
Applicant's DOB: 01 JAN 1990 [1]
Applicant's Birth Place: City, County, State [1]
Applicant's Marriage Date: 01 JAN 2010 [2]
Applicant's Marriage Place: City, County, State [2]
Applicant's Death Date: Not Applicable
Applicant's Death Place: Not Applicable
Spouse's Name: Applicant’s Spouse [2]
Spouse's DOB: 01 JAN 2008 [3]
Spouse's Birth Place: City, County, State [3]
Spouse's Death Date: Not Applicable
Spouse's Death Place: Not Applicable
Generation 2
Ancestor's Name: Applicant’s Peyton-line Parent [1][4][7]
Ancestor's DOB: ca.1960 [1] 01 FEB 1960 [4]
Ancestor's Birth Place: City, County, State [4]
Ancestor's Marriage Date: 01 JAN 1985 [5]
Ancestor's Marriage Place: City, County, State [5]
Ancestor's Death Date: Not Applicable
Ancestor's Death Place: Not Applicable
Spouse's Name: Applicant’s Non-Peyton-line Ancestor [1][6][7]
Spouse's DOB: ca. 1960 [1] 01 JAN 1963 [6][7]
Spouse's Birth Place: City, County, State [6][7]
Spouse's Death Date: 01 JAN 2016 [7]
Spouse's Death Place: City, County, State [7]
Documentation List for Name of Applicant
[1] Birth Certificate, Name of Applicant
[2] Marriage Record, Applicant’s Name and Spouse
[3] Birth Certificate, Name of Applicant’s Spouse
[4] Birth Certificate, Applicant’s Peyton-line Parent’s Name
[5] Marriage Record, Applicant’s Peyton-line Parent’s Name & Spouse’s Name
[6] Birth Certificate, Applicant’s Peyton-line Parent’s Spouse’s Name
[7] Death Certificate, Applicant’s Peyton-line Parent’s Spouse’s Name